What are the Types of Digital Advertising Agency?

What are the Types of Digital Advertising Agency?

Digital agency is the agency that implements brand marketing strategies in digital media. In addition to basic requirements to maintain digital presence such as web design, social media management, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEM (Search Engine Ads), it will always be in the interest of the brand to benefit from services such as content production, PR studies, digital media planning for digital marketing instruments. .

Digital agencies can be divided according to the services they provide, and they can support brands with more than one service.

Digital advertising agency

In a digital advertising agency, the essence of the branding process and creating strategies is always creativity as in other agency types. The channels where the strategies are applied are defined as digital advertising agencies because they are located in digital channels.

In addition to positions such as designer and software developer, the digital advertising agency teams include positions such as social media manager, digital marketing specialist, content manager.

Social media agency

Social media agencies, where brand strategies are specifically implemented and monitored for social media, respond to brand needs by positioning themselves specifically in the branding process and digital marketing process.

If you are considering getting services from social media agencies in the field of digital marketing, do not forget to neglect your other digital assets.

Web design agency

Web design agencies improve the digital presence of the brand by providing continuous improvement / update services by providing web-based design and software solutions of the brand. In addition, it provides the opportunity to implement your projects with high performance web solutions by analyzing the user experience with the help of third party software and applications.

SEO & SEM agency

It is very important that your brand in the digital is easily accessible in search engines. At this stage, agencies specializing in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Ads) offer solutions suitable for brand marketing and sales strategies.

Digital PR agency

It is of great importance to cooperate with digital PR agencies where brand awareness and promotion activities are carried out in digital media and agencies where you can also manage your other digital brand needs. You can evaluate the agency’s directions in line with your preparations and needs for digital PR.

Content agency

By receiving services such as website content, blog, meta content from content agencies that produce original and high-quality content that you will need in digital, you can create an infrastructure that matches the language of your brand.

Email marketing agency

Email marketing agencies, where you can manage your brand promotion activities with e-mail marketing, which is one of the digital marketing instruments, provides e-mail marketing services suitable for your target audience by producing campaigns suitable for your services and products. In addition, e-mail submissions are reported in detail, and by tracking feedback, it creates meaningful data that can be used for your other marketing strategies.